Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pippin, My Friend

 This is my buddy, Pippin.

     He is 10 years old and his favorite food is chocolate. He likes hot wheel cars and is easy going. From the first day I arrived we gravitated toward each other. He would often grab my hand or if there was no more room left, put his arm around my waist or grab my arm. The first time he asked to hold my water bottle I was a little nervous but handed it over. It wasn't long before I lost track of it. I went looking for it and saw Pippin in the distance still holding onto it. He brought it back to me and I wondered if he had been drinking out of it. The next day he asked to hold it again to which I handed it over. One of the boys sitting next him started playing with the lid and Pippin gently pushed his hand away and told him no. I realized he was guarding my bottle for me. He soon upgraded to holding my ipad, which he was very proud to do. He would never put it down or let other kids touch it. Always kindly he would tell them no. He let his friend Cleaver hold my water bottle but if Cleaver ever had a curiosity about what might be in it Pippin would remind him not to open it. 
     Pippin is kind hearted and his demeanor is gentle. He tries to find solutions when others are being demanding and I never saw him respond in anger. The wisdom and patience he exhibits is extraordinary to me considering not only that he is just a kid but also the hardness that life has shown him. He has allowed his pains to remain as hurts and has somehow kept it from turning to anger. 
     Cleaver, who is 12 years old is Pippin's good friend. He is a clown and is very outgoing. Cleaver started hanging out with us and would translate as much as he could for Pippin and I. Sometimes Pippin and Cleaver would spend time in my room playing video games, always taking turns. Listening to their giggles made me smile.
     Saying good bye was so hard. I was going to my comfortable home where I could get clean, eat as much food as I wanted and know that I was loved by my family but I was leaving a little boy who was dirty, often still hungry after eating his portioned meal and alone in this world, with no parents, no one to hug him and tell him they loved him as only parents can. He had to say good bye to yet another person in his life and it broke my heart. In a heart beat I would have taken him home and he would have come but it doesn't work that way. The only comfort I have found is that God loves him more than I. He made Pippin and He is with him and my prayer for Pippin is that He would learn to call upon his Father and find rest in Him and that he would become a great man of God and would keep his eyes heavenward. 
    Pippin's adoption fell through. He does not attend school. My family is discussing sponsoring him, it is a small step but I rejoice at every investment we can make into his life. Cleaver has been at HCRM for almost his entire life and has never been matched with a family. However he does attend school. Pray for them to be adopted. They are great boys. Pray for all of the kids adoptions. I am so thankful for good orphanages but every child needs a family. Pray that the government of Haiti would be open to adoptions. They are making it extremely difficult to adopt out of Haiti. 

      Your Sister in Christ, Lauren


I discovered that mosquito nets keep more than just mosquitos off your bed.

                      Kids playing in our door way eating lollipops.

                                         Johnny and Mckinley
The ocean view

Eating breakfast. Beans and rice. 

Eating breakfast

The kids dorms

The ladies

Rolling hills

HCRM gate

Look at those faces

Playing Mencala

Playing Frisbee


The little ones

My Bunk

Sweet boys

Cleaver and Pippin hanging out with me. Eating fruit snacks.

Fast Asleep

Corporate Prayer

A Drive Through Haiti

This is a little of what you see when driving through Haiti. It is beginning to rain in this video.

New Life Children's Home

The first door on the right would be my room.

This would be my closet

This would be my room 

New Life is able to care for children with many different disablities.

** New Life is one of the ministries I could serve with. The other ministry, Child Hope I was unable to take photos of because we arrived at dark.

Enjoying Gifts

The boys enjoyed watching their pets grow.

The girls loved their bows and they look beautiful.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Successful Trip

     Well I just arrived in the states last night at around midnight.  We had a few delays to and from Haiti but we made it safely there and back.  One week is just too short, it flew by so fast and as much as I appreciated my bed and a long, warm shower I am already anxious to go back.  The more I am there the more my heart is burdened for them and the more attached I become.

   During the week I was able to visit a few ministries that I think are both very good opportunities.  They are thriving and are well established.  I think each of them could be a good match for me but now its a matter of prayer and taking it to the Lord.

    Each ministry has a different focus and goal but both are definitely needed.  The first is a childrens care center called New Life.  Their primary focus is to care for and provide for the disabled, homeless and helpless.  They have varying ministries that extend from them and they continue to grow.  Actually, I was excited to find out that Miriam is wanting to start a therapeutic riding facility and ag program for the kids.

     Child Hope is best described as a discipleship training program.  They bring kids in and disciple them in their walk with God.  The kids are taught basic skills that they can use to make an income later.  There are quite a few single missionaries discipling the girls and boys. There are also about four families that serve with Child Hope and are integrated into the Haitian city they live in.

     There is definitely a need for both of these ministries in Haiti and I really like each of them for different reasons.  I am prayerfully considering them and will contact them in a few days.

     At Haiti Children's Rescue Mission, who our team served with, we were able to love on 83 kiddos.  We collected all their shoe sizes and clothes sizes so that later sufficient clothing for all the children can be supplied.  If you are interested in sending a care package let me know.  These are real kiddos who need and appreciate everything they are given.  They loved each of the gifts you sent and I was able to get a few photos of them enjoying their bows and toys. ~ photos are soon to come!

     This trip was very different from my trip back in December but even in just a week I have learned so much.  Questions I thought I had answers to have been shaken.  I think the answers are still the same but reckoning with them is totally different, and then choosing to believe them even if it doesn't satisfy what I think, is difficult when you have people and personalities, faces and expressions to put with it.  Reality is setting in and it is difficult to swallow but I am grateful for it.  The Lord is revealing His heart to me about His children.  He loves these people more than I.  He hears their calls, He knows their names, He was there when they were hurt and He is faithful to save .  The harvest is ready!  I keep thinking of the passage when Jesus says He leaves the 99 sheep to find the 1 lamb that is lost.  He cares and He is good.  He is sharing this burden with me and so many others and I want to serve Him faithfully, in accord with His will and desire whether here or in Haiti.

     With love and a burdened heart, Lauren