Friday, September 20, 2013

Haiti September 2013 Trip

Since being home it has been non-stop but I finally have a moment to sit down and tell you about my last Haitian adventure. (Pictures are soon to come.)  :))

I must start by just saying it could not have gone better! We had an absolutely flawless travel time and stay in Haiti. This trips team members were Dr. Leininger, Cliff, Mr. and Mrs. and Kenny Kennedy, and I. It was a small team but God certainly orchestrates all things perfectly. My goal to achieve this time was to identify and measure all the new kids that IBESR recently brought to HCRM, and to update all the photos of all the children for their profiles. This was done thanks to my wonderful interpreters which were some of the kids at HCRM. They did a fantastic job, especially Mouis. He did a great job of keeping track of everyone. And Jackie, our new "gate guy" was a huge help as well, helping me with gathering kids for pictures. Jackie also did an awesome job at opening the gate. The usual routine of sitting for ten minutes honking at the gate for someone to open it did not happen even once, even at eleven at night!
Now that I am stateside once again, I am going to update all the kids profiles onto the website. The profiles will include clothing sizes, shoes sizes and a photo. Eventually I want to have a little info about each kiddo such as their history, what their favorite color is, favorite super hero, food, their birthday, age, etc. You would be surprised at how difficult some of this is to find out, but its not impossible. Hopefully I can get this finished on my next trip in January. Yes, I am already planning my next trip!! ;)

It was fun for me to a part of the Kennedy's time in Haiti. They gave lots of beans, rice and other food to families in the village and gave goats to other families. It was such a blessing to just see the smiles and watch them walking down the road with their little goat or a bag of rice ever so carefully balanced on their head making their way home. They spent the last few days of their time in Haiti in the mountains where they served as missionaries for two years.

The rest of the team are in the process of building 8 new homes for families still living in tent cities. I accompanied them on one trip to a near by tent city where they chose a family for one of the new houses. It was a little family with three kids. The mother was ecstatic although she tried to hide her smile that kept creeping through her firm cheeks. I can't even imagine what it must feel like to be given a new oportunity like that. When you have lived under USAID tarps for years it must be a wonderful feeling to finally have the opportunity to raise your children in a real house. What a blessing to be a part of the work God is doing in Haiti.

One of my personal goals this trip was to get to know Pippin and Markenson. For all of you who don't know yet, we are trying to adopt them. The boys are 9 years and 3 years old. They are great kids. Full of life and as easy going as can be. Markenson is a bundle of life. His big smile and vivacious personality are contagious. He seemed to remember me and almost every morning on my way to breakfast would run to me with arms open wide, ready for some love. Pippin also remembered me and his buddy Cleavert did as well. We had lots of fun making videos and just playing. Their favorite game was taking my hat and playing keep away. I must admit that I had fun as well. Their laughs are precious and their big, white smiles are beautiful. Both of them are excited to start school with their new backpacks and school supplies. Hopefully they will learn more english by January and hopefully my Creole will imorove by then as well. I'm not holding my breath though.

Each trip seems to entangle my heart in Haiti more and more. I love the culture, the food, the beauty of the land, the simple lifestyle in the mountains and the pace of the city and I especially love the COFFEE. Haitian coffee is amazingly good. Aside from the humidity and spiders, I love Haiti. My favorite thing about staying at the orphanage is hearing the crickets singing as I go to sleep (although I don't much like the thought of them jumping around on the floor while I am sleeping) and the children singing as I wake up in the morning, usually around 5:30am. It is a beautiful culture with beautiful people and a beautiful language. God is an amazing designer and despite the corruption and poverty level of this nation God's hand and the beauty of His creation shines through. His hand is upon this land and He is doing mighty things in the midst of it all. Thank you, Lord. 

Psalms 145:1-13 

I will extol Thee my God, O King; and I will bless Thy name forever and ever. Every day I will bless Thee, and I will praise Thy name forever and ever. Great is the Lord and mighty to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable....All Thy works shall give thanks to Thee, O Lord, and Thy godly ones shall bless Thee. They shall speak of Thy kingdom, and talk of Thy power; to make known to the sons of men Thy mighty acts, and the glory of the majesty of Thy kingdom. 

Your Sister in Christ, 

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