Tuesday, February 26, 2013


     As much as it is hard to be in the waiting stages of life I am learning more and more how necessary they are. During these past two weeks I have been blessed over and over again with many reminders of our Lord's faithfulness to provide. It has been absolutely incredible to see the workings of the body of Christ. Even before getting to Haiti I am learning so much and am learning to trust the Lord for everything. Not just knowing to trust Him but actually TRUSTING IN HIM. Everything He takes us through prepares us for the next step.
     He is teaching me not to get over anxious for what is coming by over-looking where He has me now but rather to live every moment fully in it. Even amongst the hubub and craziness of preparing to leave what I have always known for a year to a country that is completey foreign to me it is important and most crucial that I give those around me my full and undistracted attention. I must admit, I have many times even in the last few weeks gotten completely wrapped up in what "I'm doing" and have neglected to show my family and friends the importance they have in my life. There is only so much time we have in this life and in each season of life and learning to find the balance between the people in your life and your To-Do list is difficult. God has been showing me that when I am living my day in total surrender to His agenda for the day and am listening to the Holy Spirit He makes it possible, He supplies our daily bread spiritually and physically and somehow it is all accomplished.
But even as He provided the mannah in the wilderness for the Israelites they still had to get out of their tents and gather, so too must we gather in the morning the word He has prepared for us to hear but we will not hear it if we begin by jumping out of bed and getting right to the To-Do. It is so crucial to intentionally designate and purpose everyday for the Glory of God.
     May it be in my life Lord!

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