Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Prayer Letter

                                                        February 2, 2013
Dear Friends and Family,
I hope this letter finds you well.  I wanted to share with you an opportunity that God has placed in my path.  First, a little history, since the earthquake in 2010, Haiti has been a burden on my heart. I had very little connection with Haiti and wasn’t sure how to pursue serving there.  I continued to pray and Haiti always remained heavy on my mind.  
This fall I attended Ellerslie in Windsor, Colorado where I participated in a 9-week intensive Bible andleadership course.  During this time, the burden for Haiti grew more intense as I discovered that Ellerslie is closely connected to a ministry called Giving Hope, which is a ministry that facilitates adoptions for the children that have been orphaned in Haiti.  Giving Hope was facing some difficult trials while I was attending Ellerslie and the student body spent a week in round the clock prayer for the ministry and for Haiti.  A couple of weeks later, there was a meeting asking for four students from Ellerslie to go with Giving Hope to assist with certain projects and difficultiesthat they were facing.  I volunteered and had the opportunity to serve in Haiti for six days.
Our small team was able to take supplies to the creche, which is an orphanage licensed for adoptions.  We also held babies, played with children, helped sort adoption paperwork, got to know the ministry and received a crash course in the Haitian culture.  
Since my return, I have prayerfully considered going back to Haiti to serve for a longer period of time.  With the blessing of my parents I believe the Lord has called me to return. I am hoping to leave in the latter part of February and serve approximately one year with Giving Hope Rescue Mission.

    While in Haiti, I will have the privilege of caring for children who have either not been matched with a family and are waiting for adoption or those who have been selected for adoption but are in transition as they wait for the necessary paperwork to be approvedThere are currently about 150 children in the creche and the number is continually fluctuating depending upon the amount of adoptions and new comers. I will be staying with other missionaries in an apartment located in Montrouis, which is sixty miles north of Port au Prince and is about 6minutes from the creche. My total cost of living in Haiti will be approximately $7800 for the year, approximately $650 per month. This includes room, board and airfare. All financial donations are tax deductible.
I will be receiving support through Colossians 3 Bible Fellowship.
Make checks payable to C3Q and be sure to put “Lauren Bell-Haiti” on the memo line.    

C3Q Bible Fellowship17460 IH 35 N  Suite 160-323  Shertz, Tx. 78154

Please be praying for the Giving Hope ministry, the children, the adoptive parents, the missionaries, and the staff.   Please pray that God extends grace and safety to all that are involved in this ministry.
Please contact me via email to receive Haiti updates and/or to commit to
Prayer Support, Monthly Support, or One-Time Donation.
Every one of you has been a blessing in my life and God has used each of you in many ways to strengthen my faith. Thank you for all your support throughout my life and I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for this year. May each of you be richly blessed for your faithfulness to Him.
                                               Your Sister in Christ,
James 1:27 - Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

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